Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Day of Silence Elicits Controversy

Day of Silence’ Elicits Controversy
By David N. Bass
RALEIGH — Students at more than two-dozen public schools in North Carolina are scheduled to participate in the annual "Day of Silence" sponsored by a homosexual advocacy group, but a conservative legal organization says some schools are discriminating against Christian students who want an equal chance to express their beliefs on the homosexual lifestyle.


shmona said...

I call on all Christan's to keep their children at home on that day.I raised six children,if Public school was as Godless then as it is today there is no way they would have been there. Most Parents are too busy to keep track of whats going on in our depraved public schools.

Jack Register, MSW, LCSW said...

While we appreciate all people's perspectives, this is an inappropriate posting to our blog. This is a resource of information for Social Workers in NC. This is an open blog and for that reason this cannot be deleted.

However, all Social Workers subscribe to a Code of Ethics that prohibits discrimination. Please find a more appropriate venue for these comments in the future.